Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Today I want to tell you about my crazy, dramatic Costa Rican familia.

Starting on the left and heading to the right we have Lindsey our cook. It was always an adventure opening up the pots at every meal and seeing what was inside. Some memorable dishes are the cauliflower fried in egg making them look like little cauliflower-egg space ships and the five meals in a row that had tuna in them. Aside from her cooking skills, she was fun to have around.

Next up is Emanuel our surf instructor. A memorable moment with Manny involves Jen and I paddling out to him during our second surf lesson, watching a huge wall of wave swell up, us screaming at Manny about what we should do, Manny laughing- with no advice, and us getting wrecked with surfboards and all by said wave. Little punk. Despite that he was definitely one of our favorite Ticos. 

And next to Manny is Sasha- the cutest Tico in Costa Rica. Sasha and I were buds- he was always up for a game of snap ball when I saw him in town.

Then we have Lenin our program director. He was a funny little Costa Rican man wrapped up in mystery who could tell the best stories on rainy nights.

Then there's Phil- our self-proclaimed-fill-in dad. He was a former rock star turned policeman turned beach bum. He was always good for a cigarette and impromptu guitar song if you ever ran into him.

Then there's "los tres chicas" plus Andrea who came to stay with us for a week. These girls were just a really good time.

Then up front we have Tony- our hired baby sitter (cue eye roll). I will never forget how he chanted "Mas! Mas! Mas Lauren!" as I took my usual second helpings at lunch and dinner every day. And the cute little nickname he gave me- Pebbles (from the Flintstones). He was quite the charmer. 

We are standing outside our home for the last week I was there- Hotel El Capitan (more of that story later).

Every day was different with our family- especially those men. I never knew men to be so dramatic. It was always an adventure to be sure. And like they always say- the more ridiculous things get, the better quality stories you have for later.
I have some quality stories.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

october 20

Due to current weather conditions, we have started a Spanish class with Tony 
to keep our brains from melting out of our heads.

Today we learned a new word- lluvia.

For lack of a better word it means rain but this isn't just rain. 
It's the-constant-pounding-has-beaten-itself-into-my-skull--Phase 10-has-morphed-into-Phase 13--we-are-all-going-a-little-bit-loco--nothing-is-dry-and-I-am-afraid-my-hair-is-going-to-go-moldy--is-that-a-rain-drop-or-a-rain-nuclear-bomb rain.  That's lluvia. sigh

It never stops raining here. We arrived in Montezuma in the middle of a hurricane. This week we got slammed with a tropical storm. It has rained sheets, nay, mean, heavy grandma curtains for seven solid hours the past two days.  

We desert girls have never seen so much     rain     in our lives and never really care to see this much ever again. 

Today after lunch we were washing the dishes and Tony told us (in all seriousness, mind you) that we were in a drought so we needed to wash our dishes faster to conserve the water. I almost lost it.