Sunday, December 4, 2011

october 20

Due to current weather conditions, we have started a Spanish class with Tony 
to keep our brains from melting out of our heads.

Today we learned a new word- lluvia.

For lack of a better word it means rain but this isn't just rain. 
It's the-constant-pounding-has-beaten-itself-into-my-skull--Phase 10-has-morphed-into-Phase 13--we-are-all-going-a-little-bit-loco--nothing-is-dry-and-I-am-afraid-my-hair-is-going-to-go-moldy--is-that-a-rain-drop-or-a-rain-nuclear-bomb rain.  That's lluvia. sigh

It never stops raining here. We arrived in Montezuma in the middle of a hurricane. This week we got slammed with a tropical storm. It has rained sheets, nay, mean, heavy grandma curtains for seven solid hours the past two days.  

We desert girls have never seen so much     rain     in our lives and never really care to see this much ever again. 

Today after lunch we were washing the dishes and Tony told us (in all seriousness, mind you) that we were in a drought so we needed to wash our dishes faster to conserve the water. I almost lost it. 

1 comment:

  1. I like the drought comment. Just a matter of perspective! I enjoy reading your blog. :)
