Tuesday, November 29, 2011

tico phrases

Before we go any further into this blog, I think I should teach you a few Tico words/phrases just  to make sure we're all on the same page for future posts.

The first one, appropriately, is Tico- this refers to Costa Ricans.
What do they call us? Greengos. Yep. I always thought that was a myth until I came down here.

Next one- tuanis- this falls into our "cool" or "sweet" category of adjectives.

And here's another one that will make you sound pretty tuanis- mae- (pronounced my) meaning "dude." If you listen to the right people (mainly surfers and Rastafarians) you can hear it every three or so words in a conversation.

And last but not least- my favorite- Pura Vida
In Costa Rica everyone lives by the phrase "pura vida" meaning the "pure life"
and this sleepy surf town is no different-
if asked how you are doing today, you can respond "pura vida," especially if you are surfing or driving along on your little motorcycle through town and see your friends, it is mandatory to yell out "pura vida!" so you can look extra tuanis
I, with my limited Spanish vocabulary, thinking I was really clever, came up with the phrase 
"tango una pura vida con Coca-Cola Light!" 
(I don't think my tico friends were very impressed.)

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